Rebound 911

PO Box 179373
Richmond Heights, Missouri 63117-9373
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COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Founded in November 2017, as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in St. Louis, Missouri. We are a group of active, displaced and retired First Responders who are committed to reducing toxic stress syndrome as an occupational hazard for First Responders (Police, Fire, EMS, Dispatch, Dept. of Corrections & Veterans). We are here to provide a safe space and place where first responders feel secure in seeking assistance without fear or stigmatization. Goals: *Reduce first responder suicides, increase mental health awareness and early intervention strategies. *Advocate for systematic change in how mental health is addressed by first responder agencies. *Strive to implement a culture that actively encourages our cohorts that asking for help is appropriate and required. *Advocate that traumatic stress reactions (i.e. PTSD, anxiety, etc.) are viewed and managed as an injury and not a disease consistently across all agencies.
Advocacy/Chaplain Services/Education/Peer & Family Support/Referral Services and Training
Saint Louis